Understanding Buy Here Pay Here can be challenging. Dealers get a bad wrap for a variety of reasons. The bottom line is they provide a service for credit challenged folks. If you need a car with a low down payment, You can find BHPH dealers on any street corner in america. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you get a fair deal.
1. Work with your dealership to get a car you can AFFORD with your current income. Do NOT over extend yourself.
2. Always ask for a warranty or find a dealer that includes one.
3. Pick a dealership that reports credit. You need to get credit for any payments you make to help build or re-establish your credit. If they don't report, don't buy from them.
4. Be honest and truthful on your application. This will help the dealership help you picking the right car.
After the Sale, Make you payments on time. Payment dates and contracts are not suggestions. They are binding dates and terms. If you cannot make a payment, talk to the finance company. It most cases they will help you.
These are some basic tips to navigate the BHPH world!
Happy Driving
Scott Stillings
DriveNation USA